What went on in 2019

Closed event with 50 delegates – 5 round tables – 1 panel discussion – 5 keynotes 

2019 Notable SpeakerS

  • Tim Harris, CEO of WESGRO 

  • Maren Bauer, CEO of Katapult Ocean (Norway – recorded)

  • Laurent Amar, French General Consul

  • Sara Andreotti from SharkSafe Barrier

  • Anton Berkovitz from Impact-Free Water

  • Mark van Vijk from Oceans without Limits

  • Serge Raemaekers from Abalobi

2019 Programme outline

Day 1
12:15 - 12:25

Welcome address from Tim Harris

12:25 - 12:30

Event objectives outline

12:30 - 13:10

Eat to Thrive lunch

13:10 - 13:40

Making the case & OceanHub Africa pitch

13:40 - 13:50

Katapult Ocean insights

13:50 - 14:00

French OceanTech cluster insights

14:00 - 14:40

Entrepreneurs’ expectations (panel)

14:40 - 15:00

OceanHub theory of change

15:00 - 15:40

WORKSHOP- community building

15:40 - 16:30

WORKSHOP- reflection on key outcomes from OceanHub Africa

16:30 - 17:10

WORKSHOP- OceanHub Africa activities mapping and commitment

17:10 - 17:30

Report back and wrap up

17:30 - 00:00

Networking drinks


“Thank you once again for hosting us and for hosting your incredible event at The V&A. it gives us great pride to be a platform for such inspiring thought leadership. Both Ann and I agree that we were totally blown away by the convening power and level of conversation being had in those sessions.”
Henry Mathys
Social Impact Manager, V&A Waterfront
"Many thanks for allowing me to attend the amazing OceanHub event! It was highly professional and the environment you created made it easy for people to open up and share."
Kiendel Burritt
Founder, Digital Africa Investments
"What a cool event. Well done"
Tim Harris
CEO, Wesgro
"Well done! I think it was a brilliant start and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole afternoon. You guys did a great job!"
Mark van Wijk
Cinematographer, Oceans Without Limits
"The event was amazing! Really great to meet so many like minded people."
Lea Botha
Director, Le Naturel
“Very exciting! Looking forward to the next steps.”
Ingrid Kylstad
COO, Katapult Ocean

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