In celebration of African Day of Oceans and Seas, Ocean Innovation Africa convened a series of stakeholder workshops in July 2022. The workshops brought together key local stakeholders capable of informing and driving change in their field to collaborate on tangible action on some of the challenges at solutions to discussed at the summit.

The workshops were hosted online by OIA and facilitated by topic experts, with up to 12 stakeholders from diverse fields making up the core group for each topic. The initial meetings took place between the 26th and 28th of July 2022 with the objective of identifying shared challenges, goals and opportunities for collaboration on more effective action in Africa in the following fields:

The groups will be following up on key action points between now and the February 2023 summit in Cape Town, where progress, outcomes, and plans going forward will be presented from each group.

Join us in leveraging the OIA community to accelerate Africa’s blue future!

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