When & Where

20 - 22 February 2024
5th Ocean Innovation Africa Summit

The Avenue Conference and Events Centre
V&A Waterfront
Cape Town, South Africa


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Ocean Innovation Africa 2024 programme

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
09:05 - 09:15

MC Welcome

Capt. Londy Ngcobo
Global Speaker | Entrepreneur
09:15 - 09:25

Opening Address

Alderman James Vos
Mayoral Committee Member for Economic Growth at City of Cape Town
09:25 - 09:40

Keynote Address

Hannah Jones
CEO at The Earthsot Prize

Pecha Kucha Session

Andile Kuzwayo
Team Representative from Sardash (Ocean Hackathon CT 2023)
Margie Brand
Executive Director at Vikāra Institute
Ms. Fatima Moolla
Centre Manager at SmartXchange

Fireside Discussion: Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence in the African Innovation Landscape

Simone Phoré
Programme Executive for Climate and Development at Africa Europe Foundation
Clemence McNulty
Climate Change & Sustainability Services Leader at Ernst and Young
Bernice Mclean
Senior Program Officer, Industrialization (Blue Economy Lead) at AUDA-NEPAD
Kendra MacDonald
Chief Executive Officer at Canada's Ocean Supercluster

OceanHub Africa Demo Day

Hannah Jones
CEO at The Earthsot Prize
Sam Selig
Senior Investment Associate at Katapult Ocean
Mrs Salma Baghdadi
Innovation Lead at WAVE
Thomas Sberna
Regional Head - Coastal and Ocean Resilience at IUCN
Serge Raemaekers
Executive Director at Abalobi
11:50 - 11:55

Partner Announcement: Peace Boat US

Emilie McGlone
Director at Peace Boat US
11:55 - 12:00

Public Consultation: UNOC3

Loreley Picourt
Executive Director at Ocean and Climate Platform
12:00 - 12:05

Public Consultation: Cape Town Declaration

Barkha Mossaë
Regenerative Blue Economy Manager at IUCN
12:05 - 13:45

Lunch & B2B Programme

Breakout Workshop: Blue Hub Specialisation

Hosted by
Make-IT in Africa

Breakout Workshop: Investment and Knowledge Transfer for Small Scale Fisheries

Hosted by WEF Friends of Ocean Action,
Stanford University Center for Ocean Solutions,
and WorldFish
13:45 - 16:30

Breakout Workshop: Designing the First African Ocean Trust Fund for Indigenous People and Local Communities (IPLCs)

Hosted by IUCN

Breakout Workshop: Decision-Ready Data for Coastal Zone Management

Hosted by Digital Earth Africa
17:00 - 19:00

Networking Cocktail

09:40 - 09:45

MC Welcome

Capt. Londy Ngcobo
Global Speaker | Entrepreneur

Opening Address

His Excellency Mr. David Martinon
Ambassador of France to South Africa, Lesotho and Malawi
09:55 - 10:10

Keynote Address

Piera Tortora
Head of the Sustainable Ocean for All Initiative at Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Pecha Kucha Session

Matebe Chisiza
Regional Director-Southern Africa at African Venture Philanthropy Alliance
James Lindsay
Investment Director at Builders Vision
Nikita Kekana
Non-Executive Director and Legal Advisor at OceanHub Africa

Fireside Discussion: Carbon and Biodiversity Metrics in Blue Economy Development

Arthur Tuda
Executive Director at WIOMSA
Torsten Thiele
Founder at Global Ocean Trust
Dr. Nassim Oulmane
Director a.i., Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resource Management Division at UN Economic Commission for Africa

Reverse Pitch Session

Jade Buckton
Senior Investment Associate and Portfolio Manager at 27Four
Thulaganyo Kodisang
Investment Analyst at Untapped Global - SA
Umulinga Karangwa
Equity Investment Advisor at Africa Nziza Investment Advisory
Nick Allen
Managing Partner at Savant Venture Fund
Andrews Ansong
Dealflow Manager, Africa at AquaSpark
Ingrid Maurstad
Impact Director at Katapult Ocean
Dr. Mellony Spark
Director – Africa Investments at Conservation International Ventures
Maelis Carraro
Managing Partner at Catalyst Fund
12:15 - 13:45

Lunch & B2B Programme

Breakout Workshop: Coastal Community Incubation

Hosted by
Our Blue Future
and WWF South Africa

Breakout Workshop: Blue Economy Opportunities for Universities

Hosted by Nelson Mandela University
Center for Coastal and Marine Research
13:45 - 16:30

Breakout Workshop: Seaweed and Seagrass Ecosystems - Providing Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Resilience in Africa

Hosted by IUCN
13:45 - 14:00

Breakout Workshop: Inclusive Guidelines for Development Cooperation for a Sustainable Ocean Economy

Hosted by OECD
17:00 - 19:00

Sunset Cruise (Premium Passes)

09:10 - 09:15

MC Welcome

Capt. Londy Ngcobo
Global Speaker | Entrepreneur
09:15 - 09:30

Keynote Address

Minna Epps
Director at IUCN Global Ocean

Pecha Kucha Session

Noor Jehan Docrat
Head of Coastal Community Development at OceanHub Africa
Brenda Kibiku
Blue Economy Advisor at German Development Corporation for the Western Indian Ocean Governance Initiative (WIOGI)
Vatosoa Rakotondrazafy

Ocean Innovation Africa Startup Pitch Competition

Leonardo Valenzuela Perez
Director of International Partnerships at Ocean Visions
Tom Bonin
Entrepreneur in Residence at OceanHub Africa
Shirley Mburu
Program Director - TECA (Triggering Exponential Climate Action) at BFA Global
Hannah Subayi Kamuanga
Partner at Launch Africa Ventures
Adrien Vincent
President at Albatros Advisory
11:05 - 11:15


11:15 - 11:20

Announcemen of Pitch Competition Winner

11:20 - 11:25

Partner Announcement: Hatch Blue

Wayne Murphy
Co-founder and Partner at Hatch Blue

Fireside Discussion - Ocean Literacy, Communications, and Behavioural Change

Loreley Picourt
Executive Director at Ocean and Climate Platform
Dr. Judy Mann-Lang
Executive - Strategic Projects at Two Oceans Aquarium Foundation
Yanga Gceya
Partnerships Manager at Captain Fanplastic
12:00 - 12:50

OIA Workshops Reports

12:50 - 13:00

Cape Town Declaration

13:00 - 13:05

Closing Address

Adnan Awad
Senior Technical Advisor - Oceans at UNDP
13:05 - 13:45


13:45 - 18:30

Winelands Bus Tour (Premium Passes)

19:00 - 22:00

VIP Dinner

OIA 2024 Workshops

The Ocean Innovation Africa Breakout Workshops brought together key stakeholders capable of informing and driving change in their field to collaborate on tangible action on shared goals and challenges.

The workshop were hosted by OIA partners, with up to 12 stakeholders from diverse fields making up the core discussion group for each topic. OIA delegates were free to attend the workshop of their choice as observers, or apply below to take part in one of the workshop panels.

Day 1 Workshops
Day 2 Workshops

Blue Hubs Specialisation

Ms. Alexandra Fraser
CEO at Viridian Africa
Brenda Kibiku
Blue Economy Advisor at German Development Corporation for the Western Indian Ocean Governance Initiative (WIOGI)
Bernhard Rohkemper
Ocean Impact Lead at GIZ Make-IT in Africa
Herland Cerveaux
Chief Operations Officer at OceanHub Africa

Driven both by a surging global focus on positive ocean impact and the hatching of local maritime ventures, entrepreneurship and innovation hubs across Africa are setting sail to connect often distant dots. By specialising in all things blue, these hubs can play a pivotal role in aligning ocean health with the sustainable use of marine and coastal resources. In this workshop we invite you to survey the international ocean venture scene, learn about the case for and experience in blue hub specialisation, encounter fearless African blue hub pioneers, and to build robust connections that will enable safe passage to business success for a future flotilla of blue startups.

Investment and Knowledge Transfer for Small Scale Fisheries

Rajita Majumdar
Global Communications Head at WorldFish
Josheena Naggea
Hoffmann Ocean Innovation Fellow at World Economic Forum and Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions

This workshop will take place in two parts, separated by a brief intermission.

The first, hosted by WEF's Friends of Ocean Action with Stanford University's Center for Ocean Solutions, will explore how to unlock investment to launch local innovation in blue foods. The second part of the workshop, hosted by WorldFish, will look at scaling innovations to transform aquatic food systems in Africa.

Despite the range of value they provide, investments in small-scale blue food systems have been low, with more priority given to projects with high short-term financial returns. New and emerging data and technology have the potential to help coastal communities manage their resources and access markets but securing investment for the development and broad deployment of these tools, as well as scaling across communities has been challenging. The goal of this proposed session is to consolidate feedback from Blue Foods investors to provide guidance for emerging ocean innovators, generate new innovations, and promote funding for ocean innovations for equitable and sustainable outcomes.

WorldFish has piloted innovations in countries in Asia and Africa that appear promising to transform the aquatic food systems in the countries of the project. To achieve impact at scale, we are implementing the Asia-Africa BlueTech Superhighway project (AABS), funded by the UK Government under its Climate and Ocean Adaptation and Sustainable Transition (COAST) program of the Blue Planet Fund. The project aims to achieve an increased use of innovations beyond the group involved in its initial design and testing. This is a process identified as the scaling of innovations. In this framework, WorldFish and its partners have an interest, both academic and professional, in discussing current experiences of scaling innovations in the area of aquatic food systems.

Designing the First African Ocean Trust Fund for Indigenous People and Local Communities (IPLCs)

Vatosoa Rakotondrazafy
Barkha Mossaë
Regenerative Blue Economy Manager at IUCN

The session aims to collaboratively design the foundational framework for the first African Ocean Trust Fund dedicated to IPLCs, focusing on sustainable ocean management and conservation, and empowering these communities to preserve their way of life while contributing to broader environmental goals.

13:45 - 16:30

Decision-Ready Data for Coastal Zone Management

Dr. Lisa-Marie Rebelo
Lead Scientist at Digital Earth Africa

Coastlines are susceptible to a number of drivers that can cause changes in their structure. This includes sea-level rise, extreme weather events or human development. Understanding how the coastline of Africa responds to these pressures is critical to managing the coastline in order to protect the environment, coastal communities and economic value of each region.
But monitoring coastlines is challenging; they are constantly changing with hazardous conditions and intensive coastal monitoring is expensive and impractical at scale - and as a result is usually restricted to well studied local sites and populated areas.

Digital Earth Africa’s Coastlines monitoring service addresses this gap by using over 20 years of detailed satellite images to map the typical location of the African coastline through time. By providing regularly updated data for the entire African coastline, it can be used to understand past changes and to identify areas of concern for the future.

The outcomes of this workshop will feed directly into current and future initiatives of Digital Earth Africa and partners to facilitate effective collection, analysis, and presentation for effective decisions around coastal community resilience.

Coastal Communities Incubation

Ms Peyombili Brock
Head of R&D at Impact Tank Analysis Foundation
Noor Jehan Docrat
Head of Coastal Community Development at OceanHub Africa
Samantha Petersen
South West Indian Ocean Regional Seascape Leader at WWF
Brenda Kibiku
Blue Economy Advisor at German Development Corporation for the Western Indian Ocean Governance Initiative (WIOGI)
Bernhard Rohkemper
Ocean Impact Lead at GIZ Make-IT in Africa

Business incubation programmes are currently emerging as the preferred approach to income and job creation in coastal communities across Africa. This pathway to sustainable development is driven by entrepreneurial minds and innovative ideas and propelled by a growing but still fragmented network of conservationists, supporters and funders. In this workshop we want to debrief on past coastal community incubation activities, share impending journeys, map the emerging ecosystem, and chart a course forward that makes the most of the combined intelligence, energy and resources at OIA 2024.

13:45 - 16:30

Inclusive Guidelines for Development Cooperation for a Sustainable Ocean Economy

Piera Tortora
Head of the Sustainable Ocean for All Initiative at Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

In late 2023, the OECD's Sustainable Ocean for All Initiative started to develop the first Guidance for Development Co-operation in Support of a Sustainable Ocean Economy (henceforth ‘Guidance’). The aim of the Guidance is to foster a common understanding of the aims and priorities for development co-operation for a sustainable ocean economy and to help identify and promote good development co-operation practices and innovative approaches to deliver more effective and coherent development co-operation efforts.
To develop the Guidance, the OECD has established an inclusive process. In particular, a Multi-stakeholder Group on the Blue Economy and Ocean was set up to bring together OECD countries, partner countries, the private sector, civil society, academia, and other international institutions. This multi-stakeholder group provides an inclusive platform for sharing knowledge, experiences, challenges and opportunities regarding the development of sustainable ocean economies in developing countries.

The consultation during the Africa Ocean Innovation Summit will be a critical opportunity to inform the development of the Guidance, and in particular to hear the perspectives and priorities for development co-operation for a sustainable ocean economy from representatives from the African continent and from the private finance seascape.

13:45 - 16:30

Blue Economy Opportunities for Universities

Developing solutions to ocean challenges requires a thorough understanding of those challenges and the factors that affect them. Universities are well-placed to identify impactful opportunities as well as design solutions, and science-based innovation is key to meeting sustainable development goals. But the innovation pipeline tends to focus on ideas that are ready to go to market, while the research community is not sufficiently integrated or capacitated to generate investable solutions from research.

Ocean Innovation Africa hosted a workshop online in July, bringing together African universities, ecosystem support organisations, industry experts, investors and innovators to explore means of facilitating the transfer of knowledge and ideas between these stakeholder groups and generating more support for and interest in science-based innovation.

Nelson Mandela University’s Centre for Marine and Coastal Research will host the follow on to this discussion in person at Ocean Innovation Africa 2024, looking at points like:
Earning capacity, career track, Academic merit system
University Research and Innovation Departments
Funding for Innovation
Collaboration with Industry
Outreach Opportunities

13:45 - 16:30

Seaweed and Seagrass Ecosystems: Providing Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Resilience in Africa

Barkha Mossaë
Regenerative Blue Economy Manager at IUCN
Thomas Sberna
Regional Head - Coastal and Ocean Resilience at IUCN

How can communities dependent on critical ecosystems such as seagrass and seaweed accelerate the regenerative blue economy? What do nature-based solutions for climate resilience, innovation and transformation mean in this context?

While seagrass and seaweed may be “lesser explored” blue carbon and nature-based solutions repositories than their more charismatic coral and mangrove counterparts, their potential as a nature-positive powerhouse need to be explored. This session discusses the actual and potential contribution of these ecosystems to a regenerative blue economy and explores ways of enhancing innovative solutions.

Get immersed in Cape Town's blue economy

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Ocean Innovation Africa curated thematic study tours to deep dive into Cape Town’s Blue Ecosystem and showcased innovation to inspire synergies and foster opportunities.

Participants were taken into the field to visit key blue economy sites and facilities in Cape Town, met with local stakeholders, and learned about the latest technologies, startups and innovations in their field.

Ocean Innovation Africa pitch competition

The annual Ocean Innovation Africa pitch competition is an opportunity for Africa ocean-impact startups to showcase their project to the summit’s international audience of investors, innovators, researchers, policy-makers and NGOs.

Six finalists were selected to pitch their startup enterprise at the event, with cash and in-kind prizes for the winner and runner-up.

To be eligible startup must:

  • Have direct or indirect impact on ocean health
  • Be based in Africa
  • Be less than 3 years old
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We depend on our the oceans, and the ocean depends on us. It is crucial that we support the development and adoption of new sustainable ocean solutions, because ocean wealth can only be achieve in conjunction with ocean health; because the ocean economy can be instrumental to post-covid recovery; because the potential for blue growth in Africa is huge but requires people to come together; because we need to inspire more entrepreneurs, entice more private investors and catalyze more partnerships…


Ocean Innovation Africa is a platform that showcases African ocean-impact initiatives and brings together international changemakers for the growth of an equitable and sustainable ocean economy in Africa. The annual summit convenes innovators, entrepreneurs, researchers, investors, industry-leaders, and policy-makers from Africa and abroad leading the way in development and adoption of sustainable ocean solutions.

Tell your ocean-impact story on the main stage!

Do you have an inspiring story to tell about blue economy opportunities and/or impacts on communities, the environment, industry, or economy?

Share it during the OIA 2024 “Pecha Kucha” sessions. Pecha Kuchas are presentations of 20 text-free slides, where the speaker illustrates a concept or insight through storytelling, with 20 seconds for each slide.

Want to take part?

Take a look here and here for tips on the pechakucha format, and send us either your pechakucha slideshow and audio recording (with the pitch script), or a video of you giving the presentation to info@ocean-innovation.africa for the chance to inspire Africa’s ocean impact community with your story!

Satellite Events

25 July 2023
Communities of Practice Masterclass


26 - 28 September 2023
Stakeholder Workshops


17 - 19 November 2023
Ocean Hackathon®
Cape Town Chapter

Cape Town, South Africa

OIA 2024 Sponsors and Partners

Founding Organisations

Host City

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Platinum Sponsor

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Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Session Sponsors

Honourable Partners

Media & Association Partners

Ocean Innovation Africa Icon