Ocean Innovation Africa 2024 Study TOurs

Ocean Innovation Africa is curating a full day to deep dive into Cape Town’s Blue Ecosystem and showcase innovation to inspire synergies and foster opportunities.

What is the study tour aimed at?

Creating synergies amongst Blue Economy actors locally and internationally: The tour can provide opportunities to learn about solutions that could potentially be used in your business or industry, and can help you identify new avenues and potential partners.

Showcase Blue Innovation in Cape Town: We take you on an Ocean field trip to learn about the latest local technologies, startups and innovations that are being developed and/or ready for investments, which can be a great way to expand your portfolio or to get a deeper understanding of the industry and potential opportunities.

Inspire and foster a community of practice: The tour can provide opportunities for multi-stakeholders to meet and exchange around their common sector to share best practices and boost problem solving to accelerate Ocean Impact.

What will you experience?

We are taking you into the Blue to meet and discover the local ecosystem, get into the Kelp Forest, taste Seaweed and visit ocean friendly development aiming at paving the way towards a more harmonious interaction between humans and ocean. We will get wet, touch, taste and feel the iodine and get inspired by local projects.

What is on the programme?

Friday February 23rd 2024

8:00 AM Meet up at the V&A Waterfront

9:00 AM Snorkel for science – kelp ecosystem masterclass and ocean snorkeling with Cape Radd: After learning about citizen science initiatives and the kelp forest habitat, we will get in the ocean to witness its thriving ecosystem.

12:30 PM Coastal foraging presentation and lunch with Rewild Food: We will learn about seaweed, blue food and taste how we can reshape our ocean diet.

3:30 PM Ocean positive development – private tour of behind the scenes with V&A Waterfront: Cape Town’s V&A Waterfront is paving the way for resilient and conscious local urbanism and we will see how they manage to transition towards sustainability via their waste management, water treatment and ocean conservation developments.

5:00 PM Aquarium private tour and ocean outreach with Two Oceans Aquarium Foundation: Education is key to build better understanding and interaction with our ecosystem and this is what the Two Oceans Aquarium Foundation is doing for learners in the Western Cape. We will see how they bring the ocean to the learners and the impact they are having.

6:30 PM End of tour

Contact Marie-Sygne Le Baud – ms@oceanhub.africa – for any additional details in the interim.

Blue Food

We will go into the kelp forest to learn and see the potential of this habitat whilst being guided by marine scientists. We will meet with a Coastal Community Ambassador and visit a fishing cooperative but also explore alternative protein and visit a bioreactor facility. Not forgetting our lunch with actors of the Blue Economy working on the conservation of the Kelp Forest and putting seaweed in our plates.

Outreach Programs

This is a chance to see and experience hands-on the outreach programs that take place in the Peninsula. We will meet with the program leaders and participate to the activities with the community they reach out to. It is an inspiring way to see the positive impact on our environment, society and ourselves.

Circular Economy

Get ready to see waste reduction projects and meet community impact leaders. You will also engage with actors tackling pollution by innovation in recycling and repurposing plastic or by educating the younger generation to reduce their consumption. We will then hear about challenges, innovative solutions and best practices during a curated conversation and networking session with local start-ups.

How does it work?

You choose one or several study tours you would like to take part in, you fill out the registration form below and we will send you a payment link to secure your participation.

We open a maximum of 20 spots/ tour.

The price includes travel from and to the V&A Waterfront, all activities and lunch.

Please reach out to Marie-Sygne Le Baud at ms@oceanhub.africa if you have any questions.

Study Tour Registration Form

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