Ocean Innovation Africa 2021 – COVID Policy

While we are excited to welcome visitors again for an in-person event at Ocean Innovation
Africa 2021 we are mindful that we are still in the midst of a global pandemic and as the
organisers of Ocean Innovation Africa your safety is our top priority. With this in mind please
note the following precautions we have put in place for Ocean Innovation Africa 2021

  • Masks must be worn at all times
    You must wear a mask that is fit for purpose (such as cloth or medical masks) at all times attending Ocean Innovation Africa 2021. Face coverings that do not comply with best practices (such as buffs or bandanas) will not be permitted. Persons without appropriate masks will be denied entry into the event.
  • You must be fully vaccinated/have tested negative for covid-19 in the preceding 72 hours to attend the event
    Admission to the event will be permitted to persons who can demonstrate, by providing a copy of a valid government-issued vaccine certificate or equivalent, that they have been fully vaccinated. In addition, we will require vaccinated attendees to meet the following additional requirements; admission will only be allowed if it has been:
    – 4 weeks if you received a single-dose injection (Johnson&Johnson);
    – 12 days after the second injection for two-dose vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca)
    Attendees who do not meet the above requirements will be granted admission if they produce, instead, proof of negative test for covid-19 less than 72 hours old.
  • Social Distancing must be adhered to
    Visitors are encouraged to maintain a distance of 1.5m from other visitors for the duration of the event. To assist with this we will be limiting the number of people allowed into the venues and arranging the seating in such a way that social distancing will be enforced.
  • Temperature and details will be taken on entry
    In line with local government protocols, we will maintain a register of people admitted into the event along with taking their temperature. People who have a fever (indicated by a temperature of over 37 degrees C) will be denied entry into the venue. In addition, all visitors will be required to have their hands sanitised on entry, and we will encourage visitors to sanitise frequently.
  • Hygiene measures to be observed during the event:
    – All handles, door handles, light switches and commonly used surfaces to be cleaned with sanitiser daily;
    – Hand cleansers will be made available to everyone (unless they have their own).

In addition to the above measures please be advised of the following other restrictions in place in South Africa.
– There is a curfew in place from 24h00 to 04h00. You will be required to be in your hotel or place of residence during these times.
– Bars, restaurants and other hospitality businesses are open, but in line with curfew will close at 23h00 each day.
– Nightclubs are closed
– You must wear a face mask while out in public