Emanuele Di Lorenzo

SpecialityChairman at Ocean Visions & Director, Program in Ocean Science & Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology

Emanuele Di Lorenzo is Professor and Founding Director of the Program in Ocean Science & Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and Chairman and Co-Founder of Ocean Visions. He obtained a BS in Marine Environmental Science in 1997 from University of Bologna, a Ph.D. in 2003 from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and conducted postdoctoral work at University of California Los Angeles from 2003-2004. Di Lorenzo is recognized as a world expert in large and regional-scale Pacific Ocean dynamics and climate. Throughout his career he has served in several leadership role for international organizations such as CLIVAR, US CLIVAR, PICES, and ICES, where he led transdisciplinary efforts to understand the impacts of climate on marine and social-ecological systems. In 2019, through a multi-institutional agreement between Georgia Tech, Stanford, MIT, Scripps, WHOI, Smithsonian, MBARI, UGA, Monterey Bay Aquarium and Georgia Aquarium, Di Lorenzo established the Ocean Visions (www.oceanvisions.org) — an effort to transform and accelerate the transfer of science and engineering into solutions for the ocean grand challenges. More recently Di Lorenzo has led the establishment of the Global Ecosystem for Ocean Solutions (GEOS) Programme under the United Nations Decade for Ocean Sustainable Development.

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by Emanuele Di Lorenzo

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