Peter Manyara

SpecialityRegional Project Officer, Marine Plastics & Coastal Communities at IUCN

Peter Manyara is the Regional Project Officer for the MARPLASTICCs initiative in the Eastern and Southern Africa region. Through his work, IUCN contributes to equipping governments, industry and society with knowledge, capacity, policy options and plans to reduce marine plastic pollution. His current scope of work spans Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique and South Africa, with significant regional engagement. Before IUCN, Peter worked with UNEP’s Global Partnership on Marine Litter, and UNESCO’s International Hydrological (IHP) and the International Geoscience (IGCP) programmes.

Peter holds a number of professional qualifications, including a Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy, Columbia University, USA; Postgraduate in Water and Environmental Management, Loughborough University, UK; and Bachelor of Science in Applied Aquatic Science, Egerton University, Kenya.

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by Peter Manyara

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