Loretta Waterboer
Loretta Waterboer is the owner of LW Recycling and Trade. Winner of the 2021 PETCO award for Top Woman in Recycling, Loretta started her business in her back yard in 2014, registered in 2015 and was then informed that for health and safety reasons she could not operate out of her residential property.
Loretta approached local property developer Garden Cities for storage space in 2016, which she was granted in 2018, allowing her to apply for accreditation and get her business off the ground. LW Recycling is now the only formally accredited recycling business in the Fisantekraal area. Though the business has moved from strength to strength thanks to Loretta’s determination and effort, she continues to work tirelessly to realise her dream of conserving the local environment and empowering communities through job creation and outreach.